Articles for category: dating advice

My Boyfriend Never Plans Anything

My Boyfriend Never Plans Anything for Me

My Boyfriend Never Plans Anything: Lara loved outings and hangouts, and she was never hesitant to plan extravagant excursions. Long night walks, deep conversations, and having a cup of coffee were her perfect ideas for date nights. She adored those moments a lot. She still cherished a special memory of a precious moment when Ethan ...

Can An Abusive Relationship Be Fixed

Can An Abusive Relationship Be Fixed?

Understanding An Abusive Relationship To understand an abusive relationship, you need to look at the problems you both are facing together. You have to be aware of the behaviour signs of control, manipulation, and coercion that distinguish partner relationships. Abusive behaviour can take various forms, including emotional abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, and financial abuse. ...

How To Reconnect After a Relationship Break

How To Reconnect After a Relationship Break?

Reconnecting after a relationship break involves talking openly about passions, harkening to each other, and understanding why the break happened. It’s important to set realistic prospects, say sorry for any miscalculations, and forgive. Spending quality time together, esteeming boundaries, and erecting trust through harmonious conduct help rebuild the connection step by step. Welcome to one ...

Dating Men In Their 50s

Dating Men in Their 50s: Finding Your Love Again

As you reach your 40s and 50s, life changes. Moreover. Your needs and desires change, and time appears to fly by. Dating at an older age presents a unique experience. Also, your priorities shift, and things that make you happy shift as well. Welcome to our one of the beautiful posts Dating Men in Their ...

She Doesn’t Want a Relationship but Wants to Be Friends

She Doesn’t Want a Relationship but Wants to Be Friends

She Only Wants Friendship – Should You Keep Pursuing Romance? She Doesn’t Want a Relationship but Wants to Be Friends. You met an amazing woman who ticks all the boxes. Intriguing, attractive, compatible – she’s the whole package. Sparks flew instantly and you envisioned an epic love story for the ages…until she friend-zoned you. She ...

Red Flags When Dating An Older Man

Red Flags When Dating an Older Man. Age Gap Love!

Red Flags When Dating an Older Man With the possibility of love and lots of excitement, dating can be an exciting journey. There are other factors to take into account when dating an older man, though. Although age can be a source of wisdom and experience, it can also mask warning signs that are essential ...

What to Expect When Dating a Muslim Man

What to Expect When Dating a Muslim Man?

What to Expect When Dating a Muslim Man It’s a unique and bit different experience to date a Muslim man. There are certain expectations that women who are not Muslim may not feel very comfortable with Muslim guys. Our informative post will guide you through What to Expect when dating a Muslim man for a ...

Dating A Non Affectionate Man

Dating A Non Affectionate Man: Challenges and Solution

Dating A Non Affectionate Man Dating someone who shies away from physical touch presents unique challenges and rewards. It can be exciting, unfamiliar, and sometimes very confusing. Some people may wonder if things will ever change. Here, we bring our particular post on dating a Non Affectionate man. Hopefully, you will find this more informative ...

Can I Lose Custody Of My Child For Dating

Can I Lose Custody Of My Child For Dating

If you have a new girlfriend or boyfriend, that does not necessarily mean that you’ll lose custody of your Child for dating. The court can grant you custody for several reasons in this case. It will include like if your ex-spouse is not capable of providing your Child with all their needs. However, you must ...