
The Marriage Lesson I Learned Too Late

Marriage is called by a journey of love, commitment, and grow old together. It is a beautiful and sacred bond between two people, they can die for one another by all means. There is a vow of spending life together till death. However, marriage is a complex relationship of husband and wife which requires constant ...

What Is the True Meaning Of Marriage And Love

What Is the True Meaning Of Marriage And Love

Introduction What Is the True Meaning Of Marriage And Love? I had a close experience with love.  I am not married now 😂, but this appears to be true in my current relationship.  While you looked for the answer to the question 🤔 “What is love ?”  I’m going to relate a brief story told ...

Marriage Ideas for Older Couples

Marriage Ideas for Older Couples: Keep the Spark Alive

Marriage is a Celebration, No Matter What! Delaying marriage or marrying at a later age is quite common nowadays. Many people tend to pursue higher education and settle for a proper career before getting married. Increasing rates of divorce and separation also contribute to the same. Wedding preferences change as you age. You try less ...

Lack Of Commitment In Marriage

The Impact of Lack of Commitment in Marriage

Marriage continues to be seen as one of the crucial milestones in the fascinating journey of life, offering companionship, love, and mutual support. But beneath the surface of happy commitments lies a harsh reality. Maintaining commitments can take time and effort. Welcome to one of the informative posts Lack Of Commitment in Marriage. Hope, You ...

Osmotic Communication

The Art of Osmotic Communication

Have you ever forgotten your lunchbox at home? You prepared your Favorite Palak rice for lunch but left it at home. When you arrived at the restaurant, you couldn’t think of anything to get from the menu. You overheard them talking about Naan and Paneer and decided you’d try both. What exactly was wrong with ...

My Boyfriend Never Plans Anything

My Boyfriend Never Plans Anything for Me

My Boyfriend Never Plans Anything: Lara loved outings and hangouts, and she was never hesitant to plan extravagant excursions. Long night walks, deep conversations, and having a cup of coffee were her perfect ideas for date nights. She adored those moments a lot. She still cherished a special memory of a precious moment when Ethan ...

Can An Abusive Relationship Be Fixed

Can An Abusive Relationship Be Fixed?

Understanding An Abusive Relationship To understand an abusive relationship, you need to look at the problems you both are facing together. You have to be aware of the behaviour signs of control, manipulation, and coercion that distinguish partner relationships. Abusive behaviour can take various forms, including emotional abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, and financial abuse. ...

How To Reconnect After a Relationship Break

How To Reconnect After a Relationship Break?

Reconnecting after a relationship break involves talking openly about passions, harkening to each other, and understanding why the break happened. It’s important to set realistic prospects, say sorry for any miscalculations, and forgive. Spending quality time together, esteeming boundaries, and erecting trust through harmonious conduct help rebuild the connection step by step. Welcome to one ...